Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome to life with The FidLorbs!

Let me first explain who the FidLorbs are: me, Stephanie (Fidler) Lorber, my husband, Abraham "Abe" Lorber, and our fabulous pit bull, Ronin. The FidLorb name originated from when Abe and I were dating & engaged (think "Bennifer" and "TomKat" era). We always felt that it was a great way to refer to our egalitarian relationship and once our friends got a hold of it, the name sorta stuck. Though we are all (even Ronin) officially Lorbers now, we still have the Fidler essence in our lives and besides, I like the homage to my roots.

Now for the purpose of the blog. First of all, I have to pay respect to my good friend, Aaron Averbuch. He is an avid blogger about his family and interesting items related to his life and that is really my inspiration to start a blog. Secondly (and similarly to Aaron), I have family and friends living all over the country (and world) and I would love to use this forum to keep them all updated on what's going on with the pacific northwest branch of the family. There is maybe a small third reason: Abe started a blog recently to catalog a restaurant critiquing effort are undertaking and I want my own virtual voice too :)

I have never written a blog, so at least for now, it is going to be very experimental. Stay tuned...


averbuch said...

Welcome to the blogging world :)

Lorbco said...

this has to go in my daily reads folder. and why not link to aaron and abe's blogs?

Dadyfid said...

I applaud your thinking.... I will certainly enjoy reading all about your adventures in the Pacific Northwest. (but please don't stop calling...)

Great photos!

Lori said...

This is very cool. Dad had tried it with the Wolfe/Loewenstein family and it never got off the ground. Maybe this will inspire some to participate!