We adopted a new puppy this afternoon! His name is Samson and he is a 7 mo old brown/gray pit bull. He is 50.5 pounds and did very well at his first vet visit. He also had a bath and spent time exploring the house and wrestling with Ronin. He and Ronin get along very well so far - they were rolling around and wrestling all night! When they were tired and thirsty, they drank out of the new giant water bowl we bought at the same time - super cute :) Here are some of Samson's first pictures...
At the vet's office - getting a check-up and all the right vaccines.
This is when I first picked him up this afternoon
This is both Samson and Ronin sitting like good doggies after playing around for about an hour. Notice how they are both so out of breath, their tongues are hanging out of their mouths. Even though this picture makes Samson look a lot bigger than Ronin, it's only because Ronin is sorta laying down. They are the same size at the moment, but I think that Samson is going to gain 20 or so more pounds yet. We'll see...